

The real issue here is corporate espionage, fair play in Chinese market, trade issues, etc.

The next big thing is due out on April 15th. No, not your taexs. The Treasury department is due to release its biannual report on cheating trade nations. Even though China should have been on that list semi-permanently for a decade or more the US has always allowed them to slide. The big question is whether they allow it again this time. If China goes on the list it the first step to trade sanctions and possibly tariffs on Chinese goods. If you read the new lately China is screaming bloody murder and throwing every smoke bomb in their arsenal out to the press.

So yeah, this show is becoming interesting but it going to be much bigger than Google.



Author: 店长

The Master of BitInn

5 thoughts on “什么叫做“政治化””

  1. Not on topic, but…

    I wonder what is his defintion of a “cheating” trade nation? Control of the value of your currency is but one form of macroeconomic policy that can be implemented to protect your country’s trade. It is in effect no different to the numerous tariffs or other protectionist economic policies that the US liberally employ. Is the US also cheating?

    I find that when it comes to commentary on international relations most people simply cannot maintain a neutral stance. It’s always “We are right and you are wrong”, and this was the case even with wars up to the Vietnam War.

    1. cheating is obviously a matter of perspective, the official word is “currency manipulator”, calling your trade partner “manipulator” is one step from declaring trade war. Which I don’t think U.S. would do under current economic atmosphere…

      international relation often affects one’s core interest, unless you are a neutral third party. with emerging global economics, finding such a person is provenly hard.

    1. 以前有读过一些文章,全文leak昨天看过一下。



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