For those of you who have the gut to subscribe to mailing list, should now be getting your first email from Haruhi-sama (written by Kyon as usual).
発行:SOS団( Gracefully Published by: SOS-dan
文責:キョン Senior Serf: Kyon
協力:北高コンピュータ研究部 Full Cooperation from: Computer Club
発行者:涼宮ハルヒ Awesome Publisher: Suzumiya Haruhi-sama
Obviously not proper translation, but it’s more fun this way.

4 pieces of old news to be revealed:
SOS-dan ultimate ending theme song “ハレ晴レユカイ” aka “Hare Hare Yukai” is being selected as “the best theme song” for 11st Animation Kobe Award(第11回 アニメーション神戸), for achieving huge publicity & peaking Oricon Rank 5th at one point. So is the animation itself, which is unsurprisingly awarded “the best TV animation”. According to SOS-dan most depressing PR, Kyon, Nagato & Asahina were there for the grand ceremony to accept the prize on SOS-dan’s behalf. Read the full award list for detail.
Second news deals with recent releases from various magazines. First of all the special supplement of Newtype 2006 December issue, “涼宮ハルヒの完全無欠“, a great collection of informations & artworks as you might heard of; but that’s not it, コンプティーク(Comptiq) is preparing its 2007 January issue, again featuring Haruhi-sama in the poster & a HOT introduction to Xmas, available on Amazon as well. Our beloved PR Kyon then go onto talking about Time Magazine, which we all know will be featuring SOS-dan some time in the future…
Last two news are pure evil, at least true to your wallet & purse. Including DVD releases & “The Bag of Suzumiya Haruhi” (涼宮ハルヒの袋詰), the latter was originally on sold during Akihabara Entamatsuri.
That’s pretty much it, and oh of course we hardly feel complete without a bit of xmas/new year greeting from the gang.
Why the SOS-dan subscription page is backed with a “unsubscribe button” (added recently) ? I guess this email answers my suspicion…
Funny enough I was reading All that Malarkey’s articles about the correct way to spam, in case of SOS-dan subscription, their theory works perfectly.