A true show-stopper of Tencent’s international expansion


Depends on how the word “showstopper” is being perceived here, you might find the following quotes, lifted directly from Tencent QQ’s software license agreement, a tad too funny or scary, even for the least paranoid western users.

Important Notice:

…the User should read carefully every article of this Agreement, including articles exempting or limiting the liability of Tencent and those restricting the rights of the User…

5 Other articles

5.2 Laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China are the governing law for the interpretation of, validity of and settlement of disputes arising from this Agreement. When any dispute or controversy arises between Tencent and the User, the two parties shall resolve the same through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, the User hereby agrees that the dispute or controversy shall be resolved in the court located in the jurisdiction where Tencent resides.

5.4 The English version of this Agreement is for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

But think about all the video-chatting with random chinese models, made possible only by Tencent! (since they pretty much eliminate all third-party clients)

Author: 店长

The Master of BitInn

9 thoughts on “A true show-stopper of Tencent’s international expansion”

  1. haoqi dianzhang shi zai nali zhaodao zhege qiguaide dongxi, nandao shi ziji zixi yuedui de?


  2. 騰訊沒必要開拓外國市場,英文版不過是提供給部分英文界面的用戶來安裝而已。在香港裝的WINDOWS往往不能裝QQ,裝則亂碼。而電腦小白如我就根本不知道該怎么辦才能裝。英文版的QQ是拯救了這一類的電腦小白+懶得去學怎么解決的用戶而已啊!

  3. 我发现Opera默认用了CS4附带安装的字体,现在90%的东亚文字都是过度平滑。。。
    and on that bombshell…uh what am I doing here

  4. 按你之前的做法,把这篇文章丢到数据地狱去吧…


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