This is what thanksgiving is all about.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone ! Especially to my friends in US !

It is now 0 o’clock GMT, Happy Turkey Day has officially ended, despite guys in north american might still have some spare time to slice the turkey.

Anyway, on this very special occasion, the so-called Harvest Festival, people like me that mingles their life with 2-dimensional world would have a great deal of stuffs to be thankful for. But before everything starts I should stress one point:

In a world ruled by goddess Haruhi-sama, prayer is not important, what matters is your humble imagination. 

Here goes the Liturgy.


O God, when I have food,

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IE7,Oh my God you are already here … but at Yahoo ?

IE7 Logo

There really isn’t much to say about this.

I think people should all know IE7 is much hotter than its predecessor by now.

But what I don’t really expect is M$ let Y! to win the top prize here.

6 years, all the waiting pressure & sweety hands, eventually crashed down onto Y! ?

At least I definitely failed to see why … A  strategy to avoid high traffic ? Maybe.

if can’t handle 95% of PC customers in the world, then they might as well sell less vista.

Alright then, no more random talk, here is the link, IE7 optimized for Yahoo! for all you IE7 + Yahoo! enthusiasts out there. 

Updates: So M$ WASN’T abandoning its place in the release game, the official download page is now up & running, Rock ON Googlers&M$-nerds !

(How ’bout a IE7 for Google then ? No, not yet.)

And for the time being, the legendary Maxthon can’t seem to work after a IE7 switch, hope its beta would step up soon.

Ends. Await further Updates.

Weekly Google Video Show: Vol.01

中文版制作中…Chinese edition(pending)

Ok, if you have not already noticed, it is now exactly a month after Google announced its new extra component, Video Store, on formerly a dedicated video hosting & searching engine. As of today, there are nearly 2 hundred thousand clips in google's database, most of which are free to watch & DOWNLOAD for your BELOVED PSP or IPOD. And don't SUE me for this post just because you can't afford to watch Kobe's 81 points' night.

Well the best thing is you could spend a whole day on it without realizing the pain in your ass, or anyone's ass. Anyway, let's celebrate this marvellous anniversary, by watching more VIDEOs !

By the by, in case you guys wondering whether it is possible to upload p0rns to google's server. You Wish. Unless you want to cheer those poor little reviewing staffs up, it is not recommended. (Rumor has it, the local video store was closed temporarily due to recent lack of customers from Google lab.)

All in all, hope you like them

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