via digg
We don't choose who we are, but we do choose who we become.
Pixiv与Livedoor合作的结晶出来了,如先前的报道,是非常“传统”的博客系统。该系统由Livedoor Blog团队负责开发,是Livedoor公司向ASP模式发展的第一步。至于博客功能,我们测试后感觉与Livedoor Blog没什么区别,配套服务(例如nico视频引用)还没有跟上,也缺乏与Pixiv自身图片发布的整合。目前申请Pixiv Blog的优势是拥有pixiv.cc/username的路径(对应Pixiv用户名),以及会赠送500pp(发5篇文章再送50pp,不过Pixiv自己也没规划好pp货币该如何使用,500在这里没有实际含义)。
Depends on how the word “showstopper” is being perceived here, you might find the following quotes, lifted directly from Tencent QQ’s software license agreement, a tad too funny or scary, even for the least paranoid western users.
Important Notice:
…the User should read carefully every article of this Agreement, including articles exempting or limiting the liability of Tencent and those restricting the rights of the User…
5 Other articles
5.2 Laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China are the governing law for the interpretation of, validity of and settlement of disputes arising from this Agreement. When any dispute or controversy arises between Tencent and the User, the two parties shall resolve the same through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, the User hereby agrees that the dispute or controversy shall be resolved in the court located in the jurisdiction where Tencent resides.
5.4 The English version of this Agreement is for reference only. In the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
But think about all the video-chatting with random chinese models, made possible only by Tencent! (since they pretty much eliminate all third-party clients)